So I went to my cousin's house for dinner tonight. Little five year old Christian, who is a little ray of sunshine, is growing up and talking a lot and he wears me out.
Our conversations go something like this.
Christian: Mr Boring Head.
Darcie: Who's he?
Christian: He's so boring, he just sleeps all the time. He's got a face and nose and ears and hair and feet and hands and legs and arms and eyes and a mouth.
Darcie: Has he got a tail?
Christian: Yes. And there's Mr Pencil Head.
Darcie: Pencil Head?
Christian: Yeah.
Darcie: What's he like?
Christian: He's like a dog but he's a pencil, he's a talking dog with a pencil head and a tail.
Darcie: You can't forget the tail.
Christian: And there's Mr Book Head.
Darcie: Does he have a tail?
Christian: No. Don't be silly. He's a Book Head.
But.... Mr Pencil has a tail.... why not Mr Book? ... I don't understand...
But I learned a lot of other important things tonight, like the only noise a kangaroo is allowed to make is 'Boing. Boing!! BOING!'
And the offspring of a Tigger and a Puppy is a Puppytigger. And when Christian is dressed in a pirate outfit, he's either Captain Jack Smarrow (yes, jack smarrow) or Coo Coo Cachoo Chicken Parrot Pirate Man.
And when you find old cassette tapes lying around the house, the best thing to do is pull out all the brown tape inside and make a huge mountain of 'seaweed'. Because cassette tapes are made of seaweed, don't ya know.
But then he got tired and wanted a cuddle. And I fell asleep. And then he woke me up by saying "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR DOLPHINFACE!"
I miss being five.
Henceforth, I really like my cousin. We found out tonight that Christian is gonna be a big brother soon and I'll have another little cousin to teach me all about the world, even though I thought it was the other way around.