Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tennis Champion

I put in a lot of work to win that doubles title. Well, I only had to play three games, but Sweet Jesus that's still effort!
So I was pretty pleased when they gave me mah trophy. Yeah, snazzy trophy.... Haven't had one for a while. Not bad, not bad....
Unfortunately, Mr. Schneider was a little bit stingy on the trophy budget.
And this is what happened.

I was kinda disappointed at first. I mean, not only is he kinda flat and has flabby elbows, but my miniature tennis player is now an amputee, with one foot only holding on by a tiny bit of plastic!
But now I'm really impressed with it. I mean, it's a lot more versatile than the other trophies.


nanananananana nananananananana flying-tennis-superman-thing !
I think he needs a cape.

Henceforth, it's my destiny to lose a foot and then become a levitating tennis player. It's a sign... I am the chosen one...

1 comment:

  1. forgot to congradulate you.

    i would have won doubles by myself if i entered...
