Friday, August 13, 2010


Yeah, it's real. It exists. On another blog site, but it's still effing hilarious.
The best Harry Potter blog I've found so far, called Loldemort. It's a collection of little Harry Potter snippits, and some of them have had little quotes added which make them even more hilarious.
For example...

And there's more I plan to email around when I get the chance.
Henceforth, I'll be spamming your school inboxes like a HP-fangirl-spammer-bitch. (Not too far from the truth then.)
Oh, and here's the link to Loldemort.


  1. They're called Comixed, those pictures of movies/celebrities that have had quotes inserted into them, to make them look like comics.

    The Cheezburger Network has a site for them :D

  2. hahahahaha! they should STAB HARRY! :D
