Saturday, April 10, 2010


Life is sucking.
I mean, it's great. I slept for fourteen hours last night.
But God, stop fuckin' around. You're making my life a misery.
The ONLY thing I was actually going to leave my house to go to this year - The Supanova Pop-culture expo - is on the very day that I'm leaving for Canada.


I'm so sad. I mean, I am really excited for my holiday, but seriously, Supanova is the only good place to buy anime series and manga...
and posters....
and shirts...
and meet people from Dragon Ball Z... (this year I think it's the guy from Full Metal Alchemist....)

:( :( i really want to go !!

i guess there's always next year...

maybe they'll get someone from Cardcaptors or Code Geass?

Henceforth, God is a little bitch who just wants to make me cry.