Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Religion Sucks

Usually I'm pretty calm about the whole Catholic thing... I do the church thing but I'm not really devoted to it. But frick almighty, if the Catholic Education Council doesn't keep screwing around with my course I'm going to force feed them snails and make them watch live action Disney movies! (and nobody wants that.)

I'll go back to the start.

Mr. Middleton: Hey Darcie, do 2A religion in year 12, because you get an extra 15 marks in your exam in year 12 if you do 3A.
Darcie: Wow, Mr. Middleton, that's a great idea. Thanks a bunch.

Six months later...

Mr. Middleton: Sorry kiddies, there akshully isn't a 3A course you can do. We'll have a talk about this later.


He explained it in detail to our class today what was going on. He can't be blamed at all really, it's entirely the Catholic Education Council's fault. What's going on is that the CEC made the course based on four modules - A, B, C and D. Easy enough. 1A/1B in year 11 is modules A and B at a stage one level, according to the Curriculum Council, and 2A/2B in year 11 is modules C and D at a stage two level. Still with me?
Now it becomes a sort of Catholic Education Council vs the Curriculum. I'm putting all money on the Curriculum...
Curriculum has figured that a 3A/3B course consists of the same modules C and D but at a stage 3 level. Well that's sensible enough. Extra fifteen marks, big whoop and all. HOWEVER, there is a problem. The CEC says that kids can only graduate if they do all four modules over two years, which means 1A and 2A courses.
So, in order to graduate, this means I'd have to drop down to 1A or 1C in year 12, but in the eyes of the Curriculum, that means that I dropped back and they will take marks off.
We all kinda panicked about this for a while because nobody had told us anything, but now we know. We kinda chose to do 2A (or at least I did) for the extra marks in the exam next year. Very handy marks. But they messed with my brain as they always seem to do and now I'm officially, royally screwed.
Thank god Mr. Middleton has an answer, but it's not exactly a solution. He said we do the 1A course during our study period this year as well as doing 2A with the year twelves, and then we do the 2A stage 3 course next year.
Extra marks.... yay.
Henceforth: There was much rejoicing.
Screw Religion and Life. I could be doing frigging history.

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