Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Control Freaks.

The two words that define my family, and now prepare yourself for the rant of the week that has nothing to do with exams, probably.
So we start with Darcie being born in 1994 in good old Carnarvon, I like it there and I like being me. I didn't get to choose my name but that's cool, I probably would have ended up being called Muppet. I didn't have many decisions to make because I didn't know how to make them. Fair nuff, says I, life goes on.
Moved to Perth, and life continues with parents running around after me and telling me what to do like most little children. They choose my school, my haircut, my books and the television shows I am allowed to watch. I am not allowed to play Pokemon, and if I want to watch anime shows like Digimon or Cardcaptors I have to VHS record them and watch them on the weekend. Alright, so we are focused on books and education in my house, that's okay. I'll deal. Life goes on.
We get to about being ten years old and being allowed to decide what clothes I wear. Not a given in my house, I am sixteen now and I'm still not allowed to dress myself. Well I am, I just get disapproving looks from my mother and sister whenever I put on clothes that they don't like, so to avoid the fight I just wear what they buy me. So I have developed a somewhat half-hearted sense of fashion that is neither this or that, it's sort of like I'm trying to look nice but not really giving a damn. And then we get to high school, and the pattern of not being allowed to dress the way I want to or hang out with who I want to or go where I want to continues. Life goes on.
I still have to do piano exams even though performing and all that makes me more scared than anything, and my being allowed to play bass is solely derived from the fact that I want to be able to stretch and expand my musical ability, not because it's freakin' awesome. That was a good loophole...
I am allowed to get another ear piercing, because these aren't permanent and I'm not allowed to wear them to school anyway so the parents win again. I didn't tell them about the last one I got.
I get into a poster craze, and decide I would like some posters to make my room look cool. But apparently it's their room that I stay in, not my room, so I don't get to decorate it on the walls, only on the doors.
Then I have to do chemistry. I don't like science, but apparently what I want doesn't matter. Mr Rodgers was always telling us to choose subjects we were interested in, not just because our friends were doing them. He forgot to mention that there are still a few unfortunate souls who don't have control over their life even as a young adult.
Life goes on.
I finally convince my parents to let my dye my hair. A revelation, a change in their ways! I have gained control, I have found a loophole once more, I can finally take my life into my own hands and -

I get in the car this afternoon.
Mum: How was the exam?
Darcie: You mean the exam for the subject I dislike most of all, that makes me want to sleep until the earth gets eaten by the sun, om nom nom and all?
Mum: Yeah, that one.
Darcie: Not bad.
blah blah blah...
Darcie: ... so I might be able to dye my hair next Wednesday, we'll go buy it on the weekend and then -
Mum: We already chose you a colour and bought it this morning.
Darcie: ...... *horrified silence*

...Sneaky bastards found a loophole in my loophole, and have taken back the only tiny part of my life that I have finally claimed as my own.
And I realise now that my incredibly indecisive habits are probably due to my never actually having made a proper decision in my life except for whether to get a Coke or Fanta with my value meal, and maybe what colour to paint a wall in my room.

Henceforth, I'll let you know when they let me out of my cage.
Life goes on.

Edit: just saw the colour. It's not bad. ...It's not the colour that matters anyway, it's the morals.

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