Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Great Pokemon Race - ep 1

Well it all started off with emulators. Then Lachy and I decided we'd race to see who could finish the original Pokemon Red version the fastest on said emulators. Because we were bored.
Chadd decided to join in but God only knows where he's at.
Lachy chose Squirtle as his first pokemon because he got to choose first. So then I chose Bulbasaur because I finished it once with Charmander already and I need a change of scenery/pokemon. And so that leaves Chadd with the lovely Charmander - ah, a match made in heaven.

so there are rules, of course.

Rule Book section 1 - communication
1.1 all players must agree to disagree at all times on all types of pokemon
1.2 all players will meet once each weekday to react exciting battles from the previous night (unless there are circumstances where a) the conversation does not allow for this to happen or b) the boys are trying to chat someone up... however unlikely, it must be written here)
1.3 all players have to update each other on progress

section 2 - cheating
2.1 no forms of cheating either on gameboys, gameboy colours or on emulators. Emulation cheating includes speeding the game up.
2.2 no red candy as this is just for little bitches.
2.3 no deleting of files of other players
2.4 no misleading information that will put other players at a disadvantage.

section 3 - winner
2.1 the winner shall be the first to complete the game, winning all badges and/or collecting all pokemon
2.2 the winner shall be given a prize yet to be announced, but it'll be hot diggity whatever it is.
2.3 the winner shall have eternal ... pokemon ... glory. :D

We started yesterday and the leaderboard is as follows:

1. Lachy: Third Gym
2. Darcie: First Gym
3. Chadd: Got up to first gym and then lost game file. Next time, Chadd.

So wait until next time to find out who is the ultimate pokemon trainer...
actually training in preperation for the new games. :D cannot wait...

henceforth, time to battle misty.
watch out, biatch.

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